Tuesday, May 07, 2013

There is Something Wrong in our Way of Doing Economy

There is Something Wrong in our Way of Doing Economy. 

Il y a quelque chose  de trouble dans notre manière de faire économie  

Es gibt etwas verwirrt in unserem Weg, Wirtschaft zu machen

         что выходит из строя в европейской экономике?

The Chaairman of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, is, probably, the best among present-day European leaders. He interprets his role with the outmost consistence, and, within the limits of the same, does not hesitate  to act as an outsider, for the sake of Europe’s interests. On April 30th, Draghi, while announcing that, according to the forecasts of its Institution, recession will go on for two years Europewide, has announced the reduction of the discount rate for Euro to 0.5%, in or.der to foster recovery, even going  onthe introduction ,  foresein of negative interest rates.

Everyone gives for granted today that Europe means “Economy”; that it 's a must “to give confidence to markets”; that the only choice which is still possible is the one between “Liberalism” and “Keynesism”.As a consequence, the Chairman of the Central Bank has been granted very limited instruments for governing European Economics.
Those commonplaces have the inconvenience to forget that we, the Europeans, are about 1 billion people  (like all the Muslim put together, an three times the Americans); that our culture influences heavily (for good but also for the worse), the ones of the other continents, that, in Europe, there are three nuclear powers (Russia, France and UK); that our aggregate military expenditure amount to more than the ones of China and of Russia. At the end of the day, we would be a first class partner for  all the world, if we only would not manage , as we are doing  now, in a foolish way, our unique -cultural, ethnic, economic, technological and military- potentials.

For achieving such objective, it would bbe sufficient that we coordinate the huge hideden energies of Europe.
Hence, even just in the economic sector, “to make Europe” not only for overcoming the crisis, but for reaching a  level of worldwide excellence , as it should seem simply normal for an ancient and respected civilisation like ours

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