Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Could the New Political Economy of Japan become a model for Europe?

Could the New Political Economy of Japan become a model for Europe ?

La nouvelle politique économique du Japon pourrait-elle devenir un modèle pour l’Europe ? 

Koennte die neue Politwirtschaft von Japan ein Muster fuer Europa werden?  

новая политическая экономика Японии может стать моделью для Европы?


The new Japanese Premier, Abe, has given, according to us, a demonstration on how a great country, defeated by international speculation, by global crises and even by a tsunami, may reverse the trend, from decline, to recovery, thanks to its option to neglect “Political Correctness”, applying, at least to economics, a “warring” approach, so refusing  the merely passive role of those, who accept passively any modifications to global power balance- modifications which today, far from constituting the “objective” outcome of impersonal forces,are the result of the decisions of the “Society of 1%”-.
The “West”, paralyzed, as it is, by the “Society of 1%”, cannot do much for transforming the world balance in amore acceptable way. 
Certainly, it is not clear, up to now,even what could accomplish, in this direction, extra-European powers. In particular, Japan, which, after the so-called “Crisis of Asian Tigers”, had fallen asleep, so decaying, from the role of a hope for the future, to the one of a burnt out crisis contry”, has finally awakened, claiming that right to self-affirmation, which, as a losing country in WWII, had been denied to it. In so doing, Japan has challenged “Political Correctness”enhancing its economic and geopolitical role. Why should Europe not do the same? 

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