Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Princess Europe on the Next 5 Euro Banknotes.

Princess Europe on the Next 5 Euro Bills.  

La Princesse Europe sur le bancnotes de 5 Euros. 

Oни напечатали образ принцессы Европы на новой 5 евро  банкнот

 It was since a  time that also the European Central Bank should have  accepted the objective need to grant more space, on Europe’s official documents,  to cultural, emotional and mithic, elements.
In the new “Europa” series of Euro bills, the watermark will include the image of the mythic Europe,taken from a Campanian vase.

Among the “original sins” of Europe, we must account that “Elusion of culture”, which had been at the origin of the Diktat of the Ministries of Culture of the Council of Europe, issued in Blois, whereby they forbade member states to present, in ministerial programs, the birth of Europe as a long term phaenomenon, hence, a cultural one.
The "infamous" Huntington, who is known worldwide , unfortunately, only for his theory of the Clash of Civilisations, had criticized the critics of Identity, citing the case of a famous Jewish colleague, who, in a first time, published a book for criticizing the idea of Identity, and, later on, another book about Jewish Identity. On the comntray, a concrete reaction to the crisis of Europe could only take place via the re-discobvery of European Identity, to be understood as a “thick” cultural identity. 

Certainly, this “struggle against identity” has a “noble” background in the Millenaristic prophets of “the End of Man”. Identity is confused, according to these ideologues, with Original Sin. Thinking of myself as something different from the rest of the world would be, according to them,precisely that which has originated  Evil in the World. Only the sacrifice of Identity would allow to reconstitute the Paradise Lost, where neither scissure, nor contradiction, would survive.
Between these two apparently opposite points of view (from one side, the “black-and-white” view of those ideologues, and, from the other, actual reality), there are millenaries of historical experiences, who have tought us that, inasfar as we  give up our identity, we open the way to the most inacceptable violence from the side of Power.
As a consequence, “Identity” remains, for us, a bulwark of Liberty.

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