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The Mother Goddess |
Россия как общая Мать всех европейцев
La Russie, Mère commune de tous les Européens.
La Russia:madre comune degli Europei
Russland, gemeinsame Mutter aller Europaeer.
We will try to show that the first, and fundamental, link existing between Russia and the whole of Europe is the fact that almost all of Europe’s present-days inhabitants (probably with the sole excepition of the Basques), have an origin stemming from “the Kurgans” (hence, from present days Russia).
This does not imply just an historical or linguistic heritage, but also several traditional commonalities (such as archaic Indo-European institutions, referred to by Benveniste and Dumézil, as well as traditional connections between peoples and territories, such as the ones of Greeks with Odessa, of Poles with the Back see, of Swedes with the Baltic Coasts, of Eastern Jews with the “Pale of Settlement”, a.s.o.).
The image which is most commonly associated to Russia is the one of a “Mat’” (“Mother”): “Mat’ Rossija” (“Mother Russia”), “Mat’ Rodina” (“Motherland”).
“Mat’ Rodina” is shown in the highest monument in the World, called “Rodina Mat’ zovet” (“Motherland Calls ”). It represents a gigantic Mother Goddess raising a long sword over the battlefield of Volgograd (Stalingrad). It is the plastic transfiguration of a famous political poster of the Red Army, containing the same phrase: “Rodina Mat’ zovet”. Such poster was diffused in Soviet Russia in 1941 during the German invasion, for prompting volunteering into the Red Army and urging partisans to resist occupation. The statue itself was created for celebrating the Soviet victory over the German invaders, in the precise point where the decisive battle took place. This statue is deliberately similar to the Statue of Liberty of New York, but much higher. The sculpture at the moment of creation became the highest in the world.
The reference to Russia as to a “Mother” is not casual. Russia is a huge territory, stretching from Europe to America, and including one half of Asia, where the legendary original fatherlands of most peoples of the world are located: Aryans, but also Turks, Ugro-Finns, Cartvelians, but, probably, also North American Indians and Chinese. Especially, the territory of Russia is the most likely cradle of most of the peoples of Europe, both Aryans and not.
From another point of view, the cult of the Mother Goddess is one of the oldest in the world, and many elements hint at the fact that also ancient Slavs were worshippers of the Goddess. The cult devoted to the Mother Goddess by the most ancient peoples of Eastern Europe has been thoroughly studied by the Lithuanian scholar Marija Gimbutas. The Moscow Linguistic School has studied the unbelievable melting pot subsisting in the territories of Russia and, still more, of the former Soviet Union, during prehistoric times, when the most ancient languages materialized.
In particular, the studies of Illich Svitych have shown that most of the languages presently existing in the world derive from a very ancient, common language, called Nostratic, from which Indo-European, Afro-Asiatic, Semitic, Turk, Hugro-Finnic, Kartvelian and (probably) Dravidic derive.
Russia, the largest country of the World (“Strana ogramnaya”) and as “Euro-Asiatic Space” (“Evraziatijskoe Prostranstvo”) constitutes, so to say, the “Mother Land” of all Europeans.
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