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Defrost |
Was (and will be again) Arctic a friendly environment?
Была ли ( и будут ли) Арктика гостеприимная среда?
L'Arctique fut-elle jadis (et sera-t-elle un jour)un milieu amical pour l'homme?
L'Artico è stato un giorno (e tornerà ad essere) un ambiente ospitale?
L'Artico è stato un giorno (e tornerà ad essere) un ambiente ospitale?
War Arktikum ein Menschenfreundliches Milieu (und wird es wieder dies sein?)
According to the most ancient historic documents of the Aryan peoples, the Hindu Veda and the Persian Avesta (Bundahishn), the original fatherland of all Aryans was on the Arctic Circle, which, at that time, was not covered by ice. When (following to the sins of humankind) Gods displaced the North Pole and condemned the Arctic to permanent frost, the Aryans migrated southwards, with a trip which ended in today’s Persia and India.By the way, the Pole is shifting again. We are puzzled by the meaning that we may give to this new shift.
Similar to this Aryan legend is the one of the Hyperboraei, a perfect people which ancient Greek historians and poets reported to have inhabited the Arctic Circle. Some present-day Russian traditionalists pretend that the right of Russia to be considered as the bulwark of the most ancient traditions derives from their descent from these Hyperboreans. Present-days de-frosting of the Arctic Circle, as well as the current displacement of the North Pole, and the connected historical, geological and palaeontologic researches, have shown that the Arctic myth of the Vedas and of Avesta have a scientific ground.
XX Century’s archeologists, including Marija Gimbutas, Ivanov and Gamkrelidze, have also focused their attention on the remnants of an ancient civilisation, the “People of Kurgans”, which was characterized by the fact of burying its princes under artificial hills (“Kurgans”), built in the middle of the steppes. Such civilization had its center in Russia, where most “Kurgans” are, but some of them may be found also in Japan, in Georgia, in Lithuania, Poland and Germany. According to Marija Gimbutas, the Peoples of Kurgans were Aryan warriors, which, having domesticated the horse, had acquired an overwhelming military superiority over their foes, thank to which they were able to expand, from their original Russian territories, into a much broader area, including Europe, where they entered, among other, the Balkan Peninsula, previously settled by the Danube Civilization, devoted to the cult of Mother Goddess.
The encounter of the “military” civilization of Kurgans and the civilizations of the South is echoed in several characters of Greek tragedies, such as The Amazons, Phædra, Ariadne, Cassandra, Calypso, Cyrce, Iphigenia, and, especially, Europe. The Myth of Europe comes, thus, on the foreground of the encounter of the two largest proto-historical civilizations of Eastern Europe.
Most recent searches in the Kurgans show that the picture given of them by Marija Gimbutas may result only partially true.On the other hand, the finding of chariots in Chinese burials of the first Dynasties seems to show that Kurgans civilization was not limited to the “Aryan” area.
The Cult of Mother Goddess will have a resonance on several aspects and movements over the whole cultural history of Europe, up to the ideas of a primitive Slavonic communism, linked to the social forms of zadruga, mir and obšćina, with the corresponding debates in European political thinking.
At later stages, other steppes populations which should have settled in Europe, lived, for a certain period, in Russia, such as the Huns, the Goths, the Bulgarians, the Avars and the Magyars.
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